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                  General Meeting Minutes for 2015

Grand Island Lions Club Regular Meeting Minutes
January 28, 2015 Buffalo Launch Club

Attendance: Donna Lavallee, Dick Crawford, Al Ackerman, Tom Rusert, Tom Witkowski, Fred Ruocco, Brooks Rimes, Anne Fahning, Paul Krupa.  Guests: Regina Weise and Gwen Hamilton from Friends Feeding Friends.

Call to Order:  Lion President Lavallee called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm.

Pledge of Allegiance was led by President Lavallee.

Patriotic song was led by Lion Fahning.

Invocation made by Lion Crawford.

Introduction of guests by President Lavallee.

Committee reports:

Correspondence:  Lion President Lavallee reported on an email about the Lions S.E.E. program requesting $500.00 to maintain various and necessary aspects of the program.  It will be discussed at the board meeting later.  Of the 72,000 children screened throughout our state, 10% or 7,200 children have been referred to have more tests done on their eyes.

Eye Screening:  Lion President Lavallee reported on her efforts to restart the program for our community.  She talked with Town of Niagara Lions Club member Lion Paul Peters about using their camera for our screenings.  He said it is available most anytime.  She has talked with Niagara Cooperative Nursing School.  Several other preschools were mentioned and they will be contacted.  Her idea is to start small to gain experience with the system.  Testing will commence in February.

Spaghetti Dinner:  Lion Crawford has made an overture to the GI School Superintendent to have it at the high school cafeteria. He also requested Byblos-Niagara to submit a proposal to the board but Bonnie has not done so at this date.  The date was decided at a previous meeting as April 27.

Garage sale: President Lavallee previously suggested a “garage sale” type of event by using the community center at the Nike base. 


Presentation:  Regina Weise began her discussion with a heartfelt thanks to the Lions from one of their clients who received a prosthetic eye from a local Lions club when he was a young boy.  He doesn’t recall which one it was, but he is determined to find it.  Her organization will be celebrating their first anniversary on February 1.  She was influenced to “getting her hands dirty” by helping out at a Thanksgiving dinner in Hamilton, Ontario at an outreach center there.  When she arrived, she witnessed three or four lines of people that stretched around the block.  She never saw anything like that and was so impressed that so many people have so little.  So she decided to do something about it locally.  Beginning with some sandwiches and soup, she went out and found people in need.  They also help out other ministries in the area.  She has learned that there are many people who do work, but after paying for their shelter, and their utilities, there is very little left for food.  When she gets registered as a non-profit, she’ll be using McMahon’s to prepare the food.  She is looking for volunteers to do a host of capacities.  Their number is 335-4233.  They are also on Facebook.  Lion President Lavallee presented her with a check from the club.  

Committee reports cont’d:

Lions State Convention: Lion Witkowski is attending.  Lion President Lavallee stated she may go.  It is being held April 24-26 in Binghamton.

Update on Edith Fischer: Lion Witkowski reported that she has had her exam and with thanks to Buffalo’s Best Opticians, the exam and her glasses will be covered by Medicaid.  She will be receiving her eyeglasses in two to three weeks.

100 Million acts of service: Lion President Lavallee reported several acts of service by herself, Lion Witkowski, and Lion Crawford all based upon loans from our Loan Closet.

Next meeting: We will not be doing the Valentine’s Day party due to our first meetings being cancelled during the winter.  Lion Paul Bassette will be requesting Peace Poster Contest funding and to request volunteers for the Scholarship Committee.

Meals on Wheels:  Lion Krupa reported we are covered until the Lions Lobl return in the spring.

Correspondence:  Lion Crawford will stop by the post office.  Neighbor’s Foundation sent thank you card for our donations.  A donation request for Dr. Andy’s Day For Kids was received.  This donation is currently in our budget.  Their 21st annual fundraiser will be held February 22 at the Buffalo Brew Pub from noon to six.

Lion Bill Wind update:  Lion Rusert reported all his vitals are normal and no evidence of cancer cells in his recent bone scan.  He has returned home.

Wayback Wednesday: Lion Witkowski correctly responded with Lion Earl DeGlopper depicted in two photos.

Motion to adjourn by Lion Fahning, second by Lion Rusert.  Motion passed.  Meeting adjourned at 8:33 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Lion Tom Witkowski

Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting
September 09, 2015

Attendance:  (13 in attendance) LP Tom Rusert, Dick Crawford, Donna Lavallee, Fred Ruocco,   Tom Witkowski, Dave Chervinsky,, Shelia Ferrentino, Bob Goulding, Diane Dubiel, Jerry Dubiel, Kelly McGarvey, Dan Morabito, Brooks Rimes  The meeting was called to order at guests 7:10 PM. 

LP Tom announced that the White Cane Drive was very successful, almost $2400 was raised.  Thank you Lion Norm and all who participated!
Thank you letter from VDG John Haak for the members who participated in the District 20N Golf Tournament.  Proceeds go to Leadership training in Binghamton.
Request for support for the Camp Smile Empire State Games in Rochester.  This request was voted on at the 8/26/15 Board Meeting we will send $100.
Request from the Brandel Murphy Youth Foundation.  We have given in the past.  We will vote on this in the general meeting.
Information was shared regarding support of the possibility of  2 new clubs.  One at Niagara University and one called the North Buffalo Community Lions Club.

Motion to release the Tail Twister, Lion Tom W seconded by Lion Dick.

Lion Tom W:  Split club, $90 Looking for the Ace of Hearts.  Lion Paul K, not present Lion Tom R., The jack of spades was drawn…Stay Tuned.

Presentation to Past Lion President Lion Donna as she missed the installation dinner.

Next meeting at the BLC , joint meeting with Rotary and Zonta, we have a response from 9 Zonta members.  We have yet to hear back from Rotary.  Cost is $20.  No 50/50 or tail twister.  We will have a speaker from the Ross Eye Institute, Gareth Lema, MD speaking on Macular Degeneration. 

Upcoming calendar
10/14 Merritton meeting – Lion Dave will forward Lion Glenn
10/28 speaker from the CROP walk - Communities Responding To Poverty.  The walk will be at Beaver Island on Oct 4th at 1 PM.  All members are encouraged to participate or support walkers.  ¾ of the proceeds support water and food relief.  On Tuesday 9/15, Dick and Jenny’s will donate 20% of your bill to support CROP walk.  The CROP walk will also have a booth at the 10/03 at the taste of GI.
DG Nancy Luckman is visiting in November.
Winter meetings of Jan, Feb and March we will have only one meeting, the fourth Wednesday of the month.  November at Byblos,  December at BLC, Jan meeting at Byblos, Feb at BLC and March at Byblos.

Lion Tom W. - ACM  meeting; Brainstorming ideas. One of the clubs support s the Food Bank LP Tom would like members to bring a non-perishable food item to future meetings.
Old Cell phones will be given to Officer Joe Choboda, to support Domestic Violence.
Lion Dick will have a conversation with Scott Swagler about the possibility of once again having the Spaghetti Dinner at Byblos.
Lion Bob Goulding chaired the tab committee from the Riverside Club.  15 gallons full of tabs.  Lion Bob donated the proceeds $14 to the club.
Lion Bob- Olmstead Center will shred and recycle documents.  They charge 10 cents a pound.

Brandel Murphy Youth Foundation.  We need a motion to donate $200 to the foundation and support of the Super Bowl tickets .later in the year.  Lion Anne made a motion.  Discussion.  Our club has applied and granted $2000 for the Miracle League, this year we will be applying for a grant in support of the SKP.

Committee reports

BonTon:  Lion Kelly:   Booklets are for sale.  Books are $5 a piece.  Members are encouraged to buy 2 books.  The sale is November 11 and 14th, 2013.  The club really makes our money by selling on the day of the sales. however, we need to pre sale 75 books.  We are looking for Lions who are interested in selling books on the days of the sale.  In the past we have made $600-$700.

New Business:  Nothing.

Lion Fred, motion to adjourn, seconded by Lion Anne, meeting adjourned.  8:26 PM.

Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee


Buffalo Launch Club  September 23,2015

Attendance: Paul Bassette, Dave Chervinsky, Tom Rusert, Dick Crawford, Annette and Henry Lobl, Fred Ruocco, Brooks Rimes, Tom Butler, Bob Goulding, Diane and Jerry Dubiel, Dan Morabito, Tom Witkowski.
Joint meeting with 10 members of Rotary and 9 members of Zonta
Meeting called to order at 7:05 by LP Tom.
LP Tom introduced guest speaker Dr. Lema MD, Retinologist from the Ross Eye Institute.
Pledge led by Rotary President, Amber
Patriotic Song led by Zonta President Barbara
Payer given by Paul Bassette
All attendees introduced themselves.
Dinner served.
 PROGRAM:  Age Related Macular Degeneration
Two Types- Dry (atrophy) 80 % have resulting in 10-20% vision loss. Wet due to bleeding 20 % of patients resulting in 90% vision loss.
Risk Factors-age, smoking, genetics, and atherosclerosis.
Treatment:  Antioxidants, vitamins C 500mgm, E 400IU, Zinc 80mg, Copper 2mg, and Lecithin.
 -for wet use of injections of avastin, lucentis in the eye every 6-8 weeks
Future developments- for wet MD medication to be delivered by port rather than injections.
Dr. Lema took questions from the members.
Call for adjournment by Dave . Second by Paul.
Respectfully Submitted
Annette Lobl, Acting secretary



Joint Meeting with Merritton  Lions Club
October 14,2015, Byblos Conference Center.

LP Tom called the meeting to order at 7pm
O Canada sung. America sung, . Dick Crawford gave a prayer.
16  Merritton Lions were in attendance. 14 GI Lions as well.
A good time was had by all !!!!!!!!
 Annette Lobl, Acting secretary


Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting
October 28, 2015

Attendance:  16 in attendance)  Tom Rusert, Tom Witkowski, Paul Bassette, Donna Lavallee,  Diane Dubiel, Jerry Dubiel,  Dave Chervinsky, Henry Lobl, Annette Lobl, .Bob Goulding, Fred Ruocco, Tom Butler, Kelly McGarvey
Guests, Lion Mike Hoplight, Lion Jeff Jarvis, zone chair,  Lion Sharon Battaglia district GMT chair

Lion President Tom Rusert called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.  Lion Diane led the pledge to the flag,, Lion Annette led us in patriotic song, Lion Paul led us in prayer
Tail Twister was released.

Lion Tom:  Split club, $103, Lion Donna,the 6 of Clubs was chosen.
BOD voted on and made donation of $150 to the Helping Ways a mission group that goes to Nicuaguga, and Braille Group of Buffalo
Request for Christmas Party for Kids at Father Baker, we will consider and vote at the Board   Meeting.
Request from “Keep GI Beating” raising money for a defibrillator at the High School.
Thank you from Mary Cooke for hosting the candidates night.
Sheridan Drive Lions Club, Pancake Breakfast,  Nov 1 8:30-1 PM.  Tickets are available from Lion Sharon Battaglia
Reminder that every meeting Lions are asked to bring a canned good for the Neighbors foundation
Old cell phones can be donated and they will go to Joe Deboda, The phones are reprogrammed for domestic violence victims, phones are used for emergency purposes only.

Spaghetti Dinner update, we are awaiting a contract from Byblos, however, it looks like we will be returning to Byblos for the dinner this year.

Peace Poster Lion Paul. The committee of Lions Diane, Brooks,  Dan Shelia, Paul met to select the winner.  There were 52 posters entered.  A first place, second place and 4 runner ups were selected. The first place winner receives $100, 2nd place $50 and 4 runner ups receive $25.

BonTon:,  Lion Kelly, only 12 books left to sell, see Kelly if you would additional books.

Presentation:  Lion Mike Hoplight.  Lion Mike represents the American Red Cross and its efforts to help the homeless US Veterans.  The new program is entitled the Comfort Kits Program for homeless veterans.  There has been a partnership with the VA in Buffalo and a local business to assemble kits to be delivered to the 6000 veterans in WNY area that are homeless. 
There are 2 kits.  First kit, that is given to hospitalized veterans, ‘The second kit is distributed to homeless vets that are considered or at risk.  The kits have the essentials, such as a sweatshirt, thermal socks, pill box,  toiletries. Lion Mike will be delivering thousands of kits throughout WNY and Rochester.  He has had volunteers gather to assemble kits, Boy Scouts and civic minded organizations. They have received donations from area Lions Clubs.

Motion to adjourn Lion Tom seconded Lion Jerry meeting adjourned   8:41PM.
Board meeting to follow.
Next general meeting will be November 11, 2012 at Byblos 
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting
November 11, 2015

Attendance: 21 in attendance; Brooks Rimes, Dan Morabito, Paul Krupa  Anne Fahning, Annette Lobl,  Henry Lobl, Dick Crawford, Diane Dubiel,  Jerry Dubiel, Dave Chervinsky, Tom Butler, Tom Witkowski, Tom Rusert, Fred Ruocco, Donna Lavallee, Kelly McGarvey, Bob Goulding, and guests DG Nancy Luckman, GMT Sharon Battaglia, Zone Chair Jeff Jarvis, PDG Jim Luckman.

Lion President Tom Rusert called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM.
Lion Dan Morabito led the club in the pledge to the flag.
Lion Fred Ruocco led the club in a patriotic song,
Lion Dick Crawford led us in an invocation.
LP Tom W. introduced our guests DG Nancy Luckman, GMT Sharon Battaglia and Jeff Jarvis zone chair and PDG Jim Luckman.

Committee Reports: 

Lion Dave, Lion Henry, Lion Annette and Lion Paul K, cleaned out the loan closet.
Bon Ton Lion Kelly:  Community Days will be November 11, 12, 13 and 14 2015.  We have already totaled $525.  We have time slots available at the store.  Please volunteer and see Lion Kelly or Lion Annette.
Spaghetti Dinner:  Lion Dick we will be returning to Byblos.  Lion Dick is awaiting the contract.  The date is Monday April 18, 2016.  Lion Dan agreed to help with the sauce!!

Lion Annette; Motion to release the tail twister, seconded by Lion Dave.

Split Club: Looking for the Ace of Hearts $105 Mary Jo Tucker, absent, Tom Witkowski, the 7 of clubs was drawn.

Announcement:  Lion Donna: Message from Rotarian John Harbison.  John works with Journey’s End a refugee resettlement organization.  This year they expecting up to 800 refugees in the WNY area Lions are asked to go through their closet to see if there are any winter items that they would like to donate.  There is a large drum in Trinity UMC at 2100 Whitehaven Rd, or give to Lion Donna.  We will also include this drive during our Christmas party charities.

Program: Zone Chair Jeff Jarvis, introduced Sharon Battaglia region chair, Lion Sharon introduced DG Nancy Luckman from the Gasport Lions.  DG Luckman has served in almost every position in her club and has had perfect attendance for 22 years.  She is married to PDG Jim Luckman.  They have raised 5 guide dogs.  She was instrumental in the Lions Eye screening program.  DG Nancy addressed the club with her vision for the Lionism and the joy of volunteerism.  She hopes that our country will once again embrace volunteering.  She is the first second generation DG in our area as her father served in 1953-54.  She stressed the need to get younger Lions involved.  We have 2 clubs that will be active at Canisius College and Niagara University.  DG Nancy’s theme is “Lions make the reach”.  In our centennial year the leadership is asking every club to promote the history and future of Lionism.  The district newsletter will be renamed the District 20N newsletter to promote all of the clubs in the district.  Vision screenings, Lions SEE program the results will be in the form of a pass or fail.  The results will no longer be sent to the Ross Eye Institute.  The district would like to know how many children are tested on Grand Island.  Centennial awards, engage youth, share the vision, help fight hunger and environment issues.  DG Luckman presented LP Tom Rusert with a centennial patch from LCI and a patch that signifies help with going through the trailer at South Side trucking, delivering over 100k glasses to Walmart. Walmart will begin helping Lions with the used glasses.  Chevron presented for Lion Ross Kaiser for 25 years, unfortunately he is no longer a member.  Chevron to Lion Al Ackerman for 40 years!  DG Luckman thanked out club for our service.  She asked the club to always make an effort to recruit new members. LCIF donations and or awards, DG stated that the Uplinger dollars are only good for 3 years.  DG touched on the tax issue in regards to the filing of tax form 990.  Tickets will be available for DG Luckman’s charity drawing at her testimonial dinner in June. 

Christmas Party:  Lion Fred:  December 09, 2015 at the BLC.  Lion Fred and Tammy Ruocco will provide the merriment.  Donations to Journeys End for winter clothing, donations to the GI Neighbors Foundation, make checks payable to the Neighbors Foundation and donations to the SPCA.  Price will be $22, spouses/significant others are encouraged to attend.
Lion Bob Goulding presented informational brochures that he had from the Riverside Lions.
Lion Dick announced the details of the Veterans Day celebration today at DeGlopper Park in the town center.  This year there was retiring of the Flags sponsored and held by the Boy Scouts.  The owners of the old Mobil has donated the property to the to the town and there are big plans to redevelop the park.
Lion Kelly; Only one time still needed for Bon-Ton Community Days; Friday from noon-2 PM at the Bon-Ton in Summit Park in Niagara Falls.
LP Tom will be delivering the donated food that the club has been bringing in to Neighbors Foundation to chair Hank Kammerer.
Jokes were shared.

Motion to adjourn Lion Anne seconded Lion Tom B meeting adjourned 8:41PM.
Board meeting to follow.

Next general meeting will be the Christmas Party December 09, 2015 at the Buffalo Launch Club. 
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee




